Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Transformative Power of Craft is the title of a new collaborative show presented by Semiahmoo Arts and White Rock Museum and Archives that celebrates the 40th anniversary of the Craft Council of B.C.
Running at the museum (14970 Marine Dr.) from Sept. 6 until Oct 15, the show covers the concept of craft and how it has evolved through the centuries.
Semiahmoo Peninsula artists demonstrating the traditions in such media as fibre, metal, wood, and cermaic will be June Bloye, Aryn Bowers, John Butt, Roxanne Charles, Don Fleming, Suzanne Gerard, Elizabeth Glowacki, Don Hutchinson, Colin Hyatt, Lance King, Samantha Knopp, Robert Gary Parkes, Sharon Reay, Anne J. Steves and Diane Zwickel.
As museum collections, exhibits and programming director Amanda Sittrop explains, craft artists are part of traditions that can be thousands of years old – people were carving stone, firing clay and forging metal before the earliest cities were founded.
“The tools and techniques may have changed, but the materials and crafters’ desire to create art has never disappeared,” she said in a release.
“Guilds and art councils across Canada are constantly at work, teaching and promoting these traditions.”
From 1 to 3 p.m. each Sunday during the exhibition, the museum will also hold workshops explaining everything from why teacups have awkward handles to what makes the perfect felted bowl.
For more details and full schedule of workshops, visit the