Festival activities planned

In just over a week downtown Summerland will be full of people celebrating the 27th Annual Fes­ti­val of Lights.

In just over a week downtown Summerland will be full of people celebrating the 27th Annual Fes­ti­val of Lights.

Downtown will definitely be alive with activity as the Summerland Chamber is expecting 6,000 locals and visitors for this great family event.

Cel­e­brat­ing the theme Christ­mas Rocks, down­town Sum­mer­land will be transformed into a hol­i­day won­der­land as downtown streets are filled with street performers and many activities for children including Santa’s work­shop, pony rides, ATV rides, bouncy cas­tles and an opportunity for pho­tos with Santa.

In addition, Summerland United Church is hosting a KidZone where you can make your own CD or craft, a Quiet Zone, photo ops and more. Elsewhere downtown there will be three ice carv­ing sta­tions and an Art Show and Sale by the Summerland Pleasure Painters at the IOOF Hall.

And at the Arts Centre Seasons Sparkles where you’ll find paintings, fibre art, pottery, jewellery, cards, home decor, original hand-made gift items and much more. Seasons Sparkles will be at the Arts Centre until Dec. 20 and is open daily except Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Why cook at home when you can partake of great food from street vendors or get some mac and cheese and soup at Summerland United Church, chili at the IOOF Hall or something from one of our downtown restaurants.

This year Light Up wel­comes Van­cou­ver rock band, Damn Fools. Fol­low­ing the release of their first album, Off The Floor in 2013, Damn Fools fol­lowed their first tour by land­ing in the Peak Per­for­mance Project’s Top 12, and are quickly work­ing their way into Cana­dian hearts. Expect to be swept away by a heady mix of rock and roll, rhythm and blues, soul and south­ern groove.

And, of course, everyone will gather for the mass count­down when all the down­town Christ­mas lights are switched on.  Later on will be the much enjoyed fireworks.

Following the fire­works, the party con­tin­ues on Main Street with a fire dance dis­play by Kelowna’s  Kin­shira Per­for­mance Troupe.

Fes­ti­val goers are invited to join the fun: wear your Santa hats, your favourite Christ­mas scarf and of course, any­thing that lights up! Wear­able Light Up options will be avail­able for purchase.

This Arts Palette column is written by David Finnis, publicity chair and president of the Summerland Community Arts Council, P.O. Box 1217, 9533 Main St., Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0.


Summerland Review