Film Commission offers short film bursary

The Short Film Development Bursary will be worth $300 and there may be opportunities for a second-place bursary of $200

Thompson-Nicola Film Commission (TNFC), in partnership with the Kamloops Independent Short Short Film Festival, will offer an annual Short Film Development Bursary starting in 2015.

The Short Film Development Bursary will be worth $300 and, depending upon the quality of the applications, there may be opportunities for a second-place bursary of $200. The winner will be announced at the Kamloops Film Festival, which is held annually in March at the Kamloops Paramount Theatre.

We felt the idea of an annual bursary will help new and established filmmaking enthusiasts to jump-start their projects and improve creative options,” said Steven Rice, TNFC chairman and TNRD director for Electoral Area “I” (Blue Sky Country).

Applicants for the Short Film Development Bursary must submit a short written description of their film, which must be less than five minutes, and how the money will be used. They may also include other materials, such as pictures or documents or songs, to help convey the concept.

Applicants must be residents of Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) and the subject matter must be about a person, place, attraction, event, or tell a story relevant to the Thompson-Nicola region.

All applications for the 2015 bursary must be submitted to the TNFC by Monday, Feb. 16, either by mail to 465 Victoria St., Kamloops, B.C., V2C 2A9; or dropped off at the 4th Floor above the Kamloops Library; or emailed to; or faxed to 250.372.5048.


Clearwater Times