First Nations author opens Vernon Writers’ Showcase at Bean Scene

New writers showcase features reading by Canadian author Frank Christopher Busch.

Frank Busch reads from his book Grey-Eyes at the Vernon Writers' Showcase in the Bean Scene coffee house, Saturday, Sept. 20.

Frank Busch reads from his book Grey-Eyes at the Vernon Writers' Showcase in the Bean Scene coffee house, Saturday, Sept. 20.

A new writers’ showcase is brewing upstairs in one of Vernon’s popular coffee houses.

Starting Saturday at 2 p.m. on the second floor of the Bean Scene, the showcase opens with a reading by Canadian author Frank Christopher Busch.

Busch will read from his new novel, Grey-Eyes (Fernwood, 2014).

“This Bean Scene’s Writers’ Showcase will be the first of three this fall,” said local author/poet John Lent, who will act as host at all three readings, and promises them to be “superb happenings.”

Busch is a member of the Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and grew up in northern Manitoba. He has spent his professional life working with First Nations businesses, non-profits and governments at the band, regional tribal council, provincial, national and international levels.

He currently lives in Westbank First Nation in the Okanagan.

“With his novel Grey Eyes, Frank Busch taps into the traditional in a way I’ve not seen before,” said Joseph Boyden, author of The Orenda, winner of CBC Canada Reads 2014. “At once historical and fantastical, Grey Eyes reclaims some of our most powerful stories with authenticity and with heart and with that bit of magic that brings all of it to such beautiful life. Busch is amongst the new generation of voices so vital to our country.”

The next writers’ showcase (date TBA) will feature a reading by Greg Simison, formerly of Vernon, now living in Moose Jaw, who will be launching his new book of poems, Miscellaneous Wreckage (Thistledown, 2014).

The final showcase (again date TBA) will present two rising stars in Western Canadian writing,  Fionncara MacEoin from Saskatoon and Dennis Bolen from Vancouver.

Admission to Busch’s Saturday reading at 2 p.m. is free.


Vernon Morning Star