

Free screening Empire of Dirt

The film follows a First Nations mother struggling to bridge the generation gap with her daughter

In the celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday and National Canada Film Day 150 the Penticton and District Community Arts Council is exploring the legacy that colonization has left on the Indigenous Peoples of Canada.

The En’Owkin Centre, The Shatford Centre and Okanagan School of the Arts, The Penticton Arts Council and Reel Canada present Empire of Dirt.

Directed by Peter Stebbings, this 2013 film stars Cara Gee as Lena, a young, single First Nations mother struggling to bridge the generation gap with her daughter Peeka (Shay Eyre) and her Mother Minerva (Jennifer Podemski).

Empire of Dirt was screened in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was also shortlisted nominee for Best Picture at the second Canadian Screen Awards and garnered nominations for Best Actress (Cara Gee), Best Supporting Actress (Jennifer Podemski), Best Original Screenplay (Shannon Masters) and Best Editing (Jorge Weisz).

The introduction to the film will be made by Dr. Greg Younging. The arts council is also hoping to confirm the attendance of one of the cast or crew.

National Canadian Film Day 150 (NCFD 150) is a coast to coast to coast celebration of Canadian cinema in honour of our nation’s sesquicentennial. Admission is free but those interested will need to RSVP at www.eventbrite.ca or collect a ticket from the En’Owkin Centre, Leir House or the Shatford Centre.

The screening takes place April 19 at The Shatford Centre at 7 p.m.

Penticton Western News