Funeral service planned for fallen rock stars

David Bowie, Lemmy and Prince are getting their own funeral service in Penticton on June 30.

Tiger Alley owner Jordan Keij is putting on a funeral service for the fallen rockstars of 2016.

Tiger Alley owner Jordan Keij is putting on a funeral service for the fallen rockstars of 2016.

Penticton is set to have its very own funeral service dedicated to the many musical legends who have passed away this year.

“After so many musicians dying, they were all pretty prominent musicians dying in a row, it seemed like a good way to have a good time with some of their music,” said Jordan Keij, owner of Tiger Alley and organizer for the event.

The dress code is that of a funeral, black, and the event will feature a suprise performance which Keij described as “a bit shocking,” though she remained tight-lipped on the details.

The service honours Ian Fraser Kilmister, better known as Motorhead’s Lemmy, as well as David Bowie and Prince, who all died in 2016.

The event is set to play out like a funeral service, and there will be drinks named and designed after Bowie, Lemmy and Prince.

Music from the mega stars will be spinning all night, and Keij said all people need to bring is their dancing shoes.

“I think they were all equally relevent to different kinds of music and it was just unfortunate that it was one after the other. They were all some sort of maverick in their area of music,” Keij said.

Tunes come courtesy of DJ Kiki Lee and a live performance is remaining a surprise until the event.

Tickets for the tribute to rock ‘n’ roll’s greatest are $10 and the event, presented by Tiger Alley, takes place at the Elite at 8 p.m. June 30.

For tickets visit Tiger Alley or the Elite.


Penticton Western News