Ryan Oliver will perform at the Avalanche Bar & Grill Thursday, Sept. 5. Photo supplied.

Ryan Oliver will perform at the Avalanche Bar & Grill Thursday, Sept. 5. Photo supplied.

Georgia Straight Jazz Society opens season with Ryan Oliver Quartet

How quickly summer flies by! On the up-side, you're invited to welcome a whole new 40-gig season of live jazz music every Thursday evening at The Avalanche Bar and Grill on Eighth Street.

How quickly summer flies by! On the up-side, you’re invited to welcome a whole new 40-gig season of live jazz music every Thursday evening at The Avalanche Bar and Grill on Eighth Street.

The Ryan Oliver Organ Quartet kicks off the Georgia Straight Jazz Society’s 2019-2020 season Thursday, Sept. 5 at 7:30 p.m.

Oliver (tenor saxophone) will be accompanied by special guest, guitarist Mark Crawford, a Toronto jazz and studio musician, and arranger who performed and toured internationally with Haygood Hardy. Regular jazz fans will be excited to know that these fine performers will be accompanied by Tony Genge (B3 organ), and Hans Verhoven on drums.

“We’re looking forward to charming everyone with swinging standards, ballads, and bossa novas,” said Oliver. “Equally important for me, this is a personal celebration to share the very recent birth of my daughter Josephine.”

Jazz fans look forward to celebrating with him, and anticipate hearing another stunning, exciting performance of live jazz; the standard we’ve grown to know in all of Ryan’s shows.

Admission is $10 for members, $12 for non-members. Visit www.georgiastraight jazz.com and select the calendar tab to see the superb lineup of acts booked from September to May. Summer is on its way out, but you have the prospect of warm, safe, friendly gatherings each week, with an array of live jazz genres, and the option of adding affordable food off the pub menu, or the jazz night dinner special to your evening.

If you’re new to the Valley, come on down and discover why Courtenay has built its reputation as the most envied live jazz community in B.C. If you are one of the regulars, we look forward to welcoming you to another great year.

Comox Valley Record