Wayne Sawchuk, who has 25 years of exploration experience in the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area in B.C., will be the keynote speaker for the BC Nature Federation of BC Naturalists 2011 spring conference coming up May 12 to 15 in Williams Lake.
Hosted by the Williams Lake Field Naturalists the conference will offer a wide variety of opportunities for people to participate in field trips to explore unique ecological sites in the region with experts in various research fields.
Some of the tours planned include a trips to the Churn Creek Protected Area; Becher’s Prairie; Farwell Canyon; Springhouse, Alkali Lake and Dog Creek; and the riparian zones and salmon habitat in the Horsefly River area.
Other speakers will include photographer Chris Harris with a presentation on his explorations in the B.C. volcanic plateau.
For full conference details and to register check out the web sites www.bcnature.ca or www.williamslakefieldnaturalists.com