Caitlin Dobson selling honey products at last year’s fair. File photo.

Caitlin Dobson selling honey products at last year’s fair. File photo.

Handcrafted items galore at the Winter Arts and Crafts Fair in 100 Mile House

Residents of the South Cariboo will have a chance to pick up some more artsy gifts for their loved ones at the Winter Arts and Crafts Fair on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23.

Residents of the South Cariboo will have a chance to pick up some more artsy gifts for their loved ones at the Winter Arts and Crafts Fair on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23.

“They are selling handcrafted items,” said Tammie Ozanne of the 27 vendors who will be there. Ozanne is the lead organizer of the event. “They have to be handcrafted in some way. They have to put their own artistic talent in it and that’s pretty much the number one precursor for our fair.”

Sponsored by the 100 Mile House and District Arts Council, the fair is one of their biggest fundraisers and they use the proceeds to go towards three scholarships for Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School students who plan to take an arts-related program in post-secondary school.

RELATED: Winter Arts and Crafts Fair in 100 Mile House raises $3,500

“We really want to push our scholarships or bursaries towards those that are doing something in the arts and it could be anything from drama to music to the visual arts, anything.”

Funds also go to help user groups for small grants dealing with entertainment at events.

“That’s what the money is always earmarked for. It’s earmarked for our community and supporting the arts. That’s what we are all about.”

One thing Ozanne said she was really looking forward to is seeing everybody out there enjoying themselves.

“It’s always exciting right after the Santa Claus parade and he comes in and all the people come in behind him and the children. It’s pretty exciting.”

She also added how Moonlight Madness also brings in people to the event.

“It gets crazy down there. It’s fun.”

Ozanne also revealed that there will be a spring fair next year on April 16 and 17 conceding with the 100 Mile House Wranglers hosting a Junior B hockey tournament (the Cyclone Taylor Cup).

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