Hidden Corners at art gallery

Painting show at North Thompson Arts Council gallery in Dutch Lake Community Centre until Oct. 27

Cheryl Thomas (l) is shown one of her paintings by artist Norma Watt.

Cheryl Thomas (l) is shown one of her paintings by artist Norma Watt.

Local artist Norma Watt (right) shows Cheryl Thomas one of her paintings during a show titled “Hidden Corners” being put on by Watt in the North Thompson Arts Council gallery in Dutch Lake Community Centre.

The show got its name because she likes to paint scenes in out-of-the-way places, Watt said.

She graduated from Algonquin Art College in Ottawa and studied psychology at Carleton before starting a career in adult education.

Watt moved here from Chilliwack about five years ago. Her show runs until Oct. 27, hours are 10 – 4.



Clearwater Times