Mike Clement takes the stage for Thursday Night Jazz at The Avalanche. Photo submitted

Mike Clement takes the stage for Thursday Night Jazz at The Avalanche. Photo submitted

Island guitarist takes the stage for Thursday Night Jazz

Thursday Night Jazz at The Avalanche presents an exciting lineup Jan. 10 at 7:30 p.m. when Mike Clement, a fiery young Vancouver Island-based guitarist, takes the stage to present a Pat Martino Tribute.

Thursday Night Jazz at The Avalanche presents an exciting lineup Jan. 10 at 7:30 p.m. when Mike Clement, a fiery young Vancouver Island-based guitarist, takes the stage to present a Pat Martino Tribute.

He will be accompanied by Tony Genge on B3 Hammond organ, Hans Verhoeven on drums, and a surprise special guest.

For a Pat Martino sample, and to get the feel of this concert, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql_bHgaQQZE

Active on the music scene for the past seven years, Clement has a vast experience in a plethora of genres including jazz, blues, ska/reggae, rock, indie and pop.

He grew up in Prince Rupert in northern British Columbia where he was first introduced to the guitar at age 11 by his father, a local legendary singer/songwriter and blues guitar guru.

Clement’s playing combines articulate bebop and soulful down-home blues.

His primary influences are Martino, George Benson and Wes Montgomery.

He completed his bachelor’s degree at Vancouver Island University, where he studied with the inimitable Pat Coleman.

After studying, living and gigging in New Orleans, Clement plans on completing a master’s in jazz studies at the University of New Orleans.

Admission to Thursday’s performance is $10 for members of the Georgia Straight Jazz Society, or $12 for non-members.

For more information about upcoming jazz shows at The Avalanche Bar in 2019, visit http://www.georgiastraightjazz.com.

The Avalanche Bar & Grill is located at 275 8th St. in Courtenay.

Comox Valley Record