Johnston gets to work at Nelson’s Oxygen

The Oxygen Art Centre has announced the beginning of its final artist residency for 2012.

The Oxygen Art Centre has announced the beginning of its final artist residency for 2012.

Throughout the month of September, local artist Ian Johnston will be working on two installations for an upcoming Canadian tour of his project: Reinventing Consumption.

Starting in 2010 with research at the European Ceramic Work Centre in Holland, the project continued at Red Deer College in 2011, and more recently at Columbus State University in Georgia where Johnston was resident artist in their visiting scholar program.

The Oxygen Art Centre residency is an ongoing exploration of Johnston’s invention for vacuum forming wet clay. During the residency, Johnston will be working two-fold. One: a large breathing installation called The Chamber. Two: a wall installation of block printed, vacuum formed ceramic elements formed over a 1940s steam kettle found on Hall Street.

On Friday, September 28 there will be an artist talk at 7 p.m. On Saturday and Sunday the studio will then be open between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to see the works.

Oxygen Art Centre is located 3 – 320 Vernon Street (back alley entrance) in Nelson. For more information head to


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