Juno-winning saxophonist Kirk MacDonald, pictured here with keyboardist Harold Mabern, performs at the Lighthouse Bistro on April 10. (Photo submitted)

Juno-winning saxophonist Kirk MacDonald, pictured here with keyboardist Harold Mabern, performs at the Lighthouse Bistro on April 10. (Photo submitted)

Juno-winning jazz saxophonist Kirk MacDonald plays the Lighthouse Bistro

MacDonald recently released ballads and standards album, 'Generations'

Juno-winning Toronto-based jazz saxophonist Kirk MacDonald is making his first Nanaimo appearance in 15 years on April 10, when he and his band – keyboardist Harold Mabern, bassist Kieran Overs and drummer Jesse Cahill – play the Lighthouse Bistro.

MacDonald said he’ll be drawing from his latest CD, 2018’s ballads and standards record Generations.

He said it’s the kind of record he always wanted to make. It was recorded in a relaxed setting with MacDonald and his band playing songs they knew well.

“We just basically called tunes in the studio,” he said. “We did a little bit of rehearsing when they were setting up the room and we went old school, which was nice because for me, I learned how to play jazz music through learning standards.”

WHAT’S ON … Kirk MacDonald and his band perform at the Lighthouse Bistro on April 10 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $35, $20 for students, available at the venue, Fascinating Rhythm, Arbutus Music or online.

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