A new series of work is set to go up at the South Cariboo Business Centre for the month of August.
Sheryl Fremlin is the latest Cariboo Artist Guild member to showcase a series of artwork inside the business’ glass paned gallery.
“The art community here is really good,” said Fremlin. “You get a lot more attention individually, compared to down on the coast, where there are so many artists and so much art. 100 Mile House is a great community for developing and growing as an artist because of the local art societies are supportive and always welcome new members.”
Fremlin didn’t start painting until her later years, around the age of 35. She hasn’t stopped since. Her work has been featured in many solo and group shows, including some international exposure.
“I have always dabbled with arts and crafts all of my life, but I got introduced into painting after seeing my first art show ever,” said Fremlin. “I did get my signature status for the Canadian Society Of Painters In Water Colour.”
Fremlin’s medium of choice is to paint with watercolour.
“My subjects really do vary,” said Fremlin. “I lived on a ranch for over 30 years, so I enjoy painting horses and other animals. There is something about them but then you have the colours of the Cariboo that are gorgeous all year long and its big sky.”
Fremlin said she pays a lot of attention to lighting and how subjects can be lit under different types of lights. She finds her inspiration in lighting and that often gets her creative flow going.
“The light and shadows, how they hit a subject and with watercolour, you are always thinking about that,” said Fremlin.
The business centre will have roughly seven pieces of Fremlin’s work, the art is some of her largest pieces.
“This is a place in the community for locals who might not go into an art gallery,” said Fremlin. “It’s a community space where people can come in and look at the paintings without feeling intimidated. It’s really great to be able to show your work once a year and be represented. It keeps you working and it keeps you going, you need to have that kind of motivation.”
Fremlin’s work can also be seen at the Parkside Art Gallery for the Artists’ Guild 39th Annual Fine Art Show and Sale from July 26 to Sept. 7.