Sunee Dhaliwal is among the lineup of comedians gathered by Chief Sepass Theatre manager Kevin Statham, for LOL for Life. The comedy show, which takes place at the Fort Langley theatre on Friday, Sept. 26, is a fundraiser for Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC), a program run by Options Community Services.  Tickets are $20 at or at the door on the night of the show.

Sunee Dhaliwal is among the lineup of comedians gathered by Chief Sepass Theatre manager Kevin Statham, for LOL for Life. The comedy show, which takes place at the Fort Langley theatre on Friday, Sept. 26, is a fundraiser for Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC), a program run by Options Community Services. Tickets are $20 at or at the door on the night of the show.

Laughing in the face of depression

LOL for Life, a fundraiser for suicide prevention, happens Sept. 26 at Chief Sepass Theatre in Fort Langley

The Aug. 11 suicide of comedian Robin Williams left fans across the world in a state of shock.

If someone as successful and beloved as the legendary funny man found life too much to bear, where did that leave the rest of us?

But a Langley man is hoping that by filling a theatre with laughter, others will be able to find the support they need.

The Chief Sepass Theatre in Fort Langley at the Langley Fine Arts School  presents  a night of comedy in support of Suicide Prevention, Education and Counselling (SPEAC).

Created by the theatre’s manager, Kevin Statham, “LOL For Life” will feature some of Vancouver’s funniest comedians, including Patrick Maliha, Sunee Dhaliwal, John Beuhler, Jamie Hutchinson, Kwasi Thomas, and Katie-Ellen Humphries.

“I just knew I needed to contribute in some way,” said Statham.

“When Robin Williams passed away a few weeks ago, I saw a lot of people voicing their sadness through social media.  I did that as well, but I wanted to do something more than post a photo on Facebook with a sad emoticon.

“In that moment, I decided to create something that will hopefully have a positive effect on a local level.”

The Suicide Prevention Education and Counselling (SPEAC) program is a program of Options Community Services — a large multi-service non-profit organization based in Surrey,  which serves Surrey, White Rock, and Langley children and youth.

The SPEAC program provides suicide risk assessment, urgent response, and short-term counselling for children and youth.

“We are very thankful to be involved in this event,” SPEAC’s senior program manager, Nancy Orlikow.

“It helps to promote and spread awareness of the significant need for more resources for our children and youth in our communities who are affected by or are at risk for suicide.

“It is very important that people understand the scope of the need, but also that prevention of suicide is entirely possible and that programs like ours do save lives.”

“LOL for Life takes place on Friday, Sept. 26 at 8 p.m.

Tickets are on sale for $20 at They will also be available at the door. Proceeds will go to SPEAC.

Advance tickets are available online at or at the venue the night of the performance. Chief Sepass Theatre is located at 9096 Trattle St.

“LOL For Life” will take place on Friday, Sept. 26 at 8 p.m.  For more information on SPEAC, visit

Langley Times