The Boom Booms, who rocked Laketown Shakedown earlier this year are on tap at Red Arrow. (Lexi Bainas/Citizen)

The Boom Booms, who rocked Laketown Shakedown earlier this year are on tap at Red Arrow. (Lexi Bainas/Citizen)

Lexi Bainas Column: A whole sackful of entertainment goodies for you this week

From roistering at Red Arrow to the quiet of the concert hall to solving mysteries, you get it all

If the butler didn’t do it, who did?

It’s a good question, and the answer could be right in front of you.

The Duncan branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library are offering a special event, from 3-5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24 called Tales for the Telling (Story Telling for Adults).

It’s free to attend, and sounds cool.

Here’s what I’ve heard: “The Mavens of Mystery (Marva Blackmore and Lee Porteous) are in town with the discount of a lifetime. It’s a free, encore performance of ‘If the Butler Didn’t Do It, Who Did?'”

The mavens bring stories of mystery and intrigue to test your ability to detect who dunnit or maybe just to puzzle you. Join us at the Cowichan library to get in on the fun.


A great bit of news from the Friends of the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre Society.

“The board is very excited to announce that Michael Schaefer has joined our board. How wonderful for us to have someone like Michael at our table with the knowledge he has.”

Mike, a well-known face for years as a tech guru at the Cowichan Theatre, retired June 28.

I’ve always found him knowledgeable and tirelessly ready to help those of us floundering at the edges of performances and I’m delighted, too, to see his experience is still there for the Friends.


Joy Ann Bannerman, musician, music teacher, and wonderworker who supplies our Young Musician of the Week features, has passed along a bit of concert news for fans of the Cowichan Consort.

“Our concerts this season will be: Nov. 23: featuring Kodaly’s Psalmus Hungaricus with Ted Rhodes tenor soloist, plus Schubert and Elgar; Dec 7: Christmas Carol Sing-along for Cowichan Hospice Fundraiser. All welcome! Come Sing! March 7: Young Musician Concerto Winner concert; May 2: Brahms Requiem.”

There. You’ve got those dates. Get ’em into your calendar now.


Longevity John Falkner, who needs no introduction at this time of year, has lined up a super duper concert series for October and November.

The lineup includes Daniel Champagne; Emily Braden from NYC with Misha Piatgorsky, John Lee, and Jose Loria Triay; David Gogo; Tri-Continental; Ferron; Connie Kaldor; and Danny Michel.

Wow! You’ll be hearing more details about these shows soon, but Long John wants everyone to know that tickets purchased for these shows before Sept. 1 will receive a $5 discount.

Considering that these are likely to be sellout performances, if I were you, I’d get on my bike and secure those tickets right away, and pick up that discount on each ticket while you’re at it.


Peter Sussman, well-known for his house concerts and his enthusiasm for square dancing, is announcing a new venue for the Shady Grove Square Dance.

You can do-si-do (which in case you didn’t know it, comes from dos a dos or back to back for us English speakers) and swing your partner from Sept. 6 at the historic Girl Guides Hall at 321 Cairnsmore St. in Duncan. Entry is $10 per person. Call 250-929-8226 if you need more information.


Red Arrow Brewing is holding another of its fabuloso afternoon/evening bashes this Saturday, Aug. 24 from 2-8 p.m. at the facility at 5225 Chaster Rd., south of Duncan.

So, who’s playing? How about The Boom Booms, who some of you might have heard at Laketown Shakedown, plus Kim Churchill, and Adrian Chalifour, with Towers & Trees.

This is a 19+ event; and, other than the delicious selection of Red Arrow beer being served, there will be a wide variety of drinks available.

Other fun will include dancing, and door prizes, and a wide variety of food trucks offering pizza, hamburgers, a BBQ, and more.

Admission is $30. Tickets will be available at the Red Arrow Brewing Company, over the phone at 250-597-0037, Tickets are also available on Eventbrite.

Cowichan Valley Citizen