Minnesota dancers bring Argentine Tango workshops to Nelson

Six workshops at different levels over the weekend, January 17 to 19.

Lori Mitchell and Patrick Marsolek at tango instructors from Missoula, MT.

Lori Mitchell and Patrick Marsolek at tango instructors from Missoula, MT.

Lori Mitchell and Patrick Marsolek of Tango Missoula will venture north to Nelson town mid-January to offer their instruction of the wonderful Argentine Tango to local tanguera/os.

The pair combine years of dance training and experience and will bring their unique combination of skills to assist dancers in developing dynamic and living connections: to themselves, to each other, to the music and other dancers on the floor. They encourage an organic discovery of your natural way of moving while building on the fundamentals of the dance.

Mitchell and Marsolek will offer six workshops at different levels over the weekend. Even advanced dancers will find workshop content to satisfy them. A free Friday practica provides an opportunity to meet the instructors and Saturday night Milonga is a chance to show what you have learned.  A pot luck dinner is planned for Sunday, TBA. There is also a limited number of private lesson spots available.

Please contact franwallis@redmtn.ca for all the details and to prepay. Package pricing is available. All activities will be held at the Legion Hall (402 Victoria Street). The early bird discount date is January 7. Mark the workshop date on your calendar now: January 17 to 19.

Nelson Star