Tara-Lynn Kozma-Perrin is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses sculpture, installation, painting, audio and video to create her work. Kozma-Perrin will engage with the public focusing on a creative placemaking project and then incorporate soundscapes of those places which will be exhibited online and in person. / Submitted Photo

Mission hires pair of artists in residence

Will create projects during Culture Days, running Sept. 24 to Oct. 24

Mission has hired a pair of artists in residence.

The City – through the Cultural Resources Commission and the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department – has engaged two artists for projects during Culture Days (running Sept. 24 to Oct. 24).

The artists in residence (AIR) program provides an opportunity for emerging or established artists in Mission or the surrounding communities to develop as an artist and showcase their work for the residents of Mission.

The intent of the AIR program is to foster a supportive environment for artists and develop a connection between artists and the community of Mission. A call went out for applications in late June and two artists have recently been selected; Luke Pardy and Tara-Lynn Kozma-Perrin.

Luke Pardy is a fine art and documentary photographer. He works in a hybrid of analogue large and medium format photography combined with digital output to allow for accessible means of distribution. His work focuses on how local, social and personal histories manifest themselves in the contemporary everyday.

His Culture Days project will be a photography series focused around the Fraser River and Mission’s relationship to it.

Tara-Lynn Kozma-Perrin is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses sculpture, installation, painting, audio and video to create her work. Kozma-Perrin will engage with the public focusing on a creative placemaking project and then incorporate soundscapes of those places which will be exhibited online and in person.

Kozma-Perrin and Pardy will also explore collaborative opportunities through their work and public engagement activities which will add to their projects.

“The Commission is excited to present the artist in residence projects and these selected artists,” said Michelle Demers-Shaevitz, Chair of the Cultural Resources Commission. “Through their individual work and collaboration, images and sounds of Mission will be presented to the community with an invitation to explore. I hope that the community takes them up on that invite and experiences some really interesting art.”

The artists will be seen out in the community in the coming months working on their projects and seeking information and feedback. The public is encouraged to stop and learn more about their work.

Final exhibitions of their work will be displayed during Culture Days, with the date, location and specifics still to be determined.

Mission City Record


Luke Pardy is a fine art and documentary photographer. He works in a hybrid of analogue large and medium format photography combined with digital output to allow for accessible means of distribution. / Submitted Photo