Nelson Youth Theatre presents The Nuppet Show this weekend at the Capitol Theatre.

Nelson Youth Theatre presents The Nuppet Show this weekend at the Capitol Theatre.

Nelson Youth Theatre prepares for The Nuppet Show

The Nelson Youth Theatre will perform The Nuppet Show at the Capitol Theatre.

Some of the world’s most beloved puppets are taking the stage on Saturday night as part of the Nelson Youth Theatre’s presentation of the Nuppet Show.

“It’s fun to be a new character like you’re not actually people,” said Mimi Lockhurst who plays Grizo.

“He’s always with Gonzo,” said Lockhurst. “They’re like best friends and Gonzo is my sister so it’s easier for us to work together. She’s like my best friend so it’s more fun.”

The cast was busy at Trafalgar school on Monday as they prepared for opening night.

Even veterans to the stage like Lockhurst and Elle Backus-Horton have some nerves about their night on stage.

“I like acting here because it’s actually quite fun and we get to pretend to be different characters,” said Backus-Horton.

Even though the rehersals have been a lot of work, both girls said they have had a lot fun.

“The Muppets are really funny,” said Backus-Horton. “I just started watching the Muppets and renting all the movies to do my research.”

Showtime for the Nuppet Show is 7:30 p.m. Tickets are available online through the Capitol Theatre website and at the box office.


Nelson Star