It won’t be long until the wonderful fall colours are all gone and all we will see in our travels around the area will be the dull greens, browns and greys of winter. Don’t despair! You will still be able to feast your eyes on a wide variety of color when you visit the Art in the Library and the Art in the Chamber displays. Besides enjoying the wonderful color, consider supporting our local artists and buying a piece of art for yourself or as a gift; after all, Christmas is just around the corner.
The upcoming Art in the Library show features some new artists to the community arts display scene. Paula Ebelher will be displaying works in fibre arts and acrylics. And Lynn Becker will surprise us all with her art, as I have no idea what she does so I can’t give you any hints. Joining the library exhibit for the first time is Sandy Kunze with her exciting and colorful acrylics, which will be a nice contrast to the charming paintings of the East Shore’s Jennifer Moore. The Art in the Library show can be seen until Jan. 2 during library hours. By the way, artists pay a commission to the library with each purchase, so you can support local artists and the library when you buy art from these displays.
The Art in the Chamber show starts Nov. 6, and it is sure to be a crowd pleaser, as well. All of the exhibiting artists are members of the Creston Art Club, and will be displaying new work as well as some older favourites. The featured artists are Anne Graves, Marion Evans, Shelly Lamb, Kurtis Ladner, Linda Bullock and Chris Schmidt. The display will be an eclectic mix with watercolors, acrylics, oils, fabric and more. It will also be bursting with colours, various shapes and sizes, and prices to match. Visitors are sure to find something that will make a perfect gift for Christmas or any other occasion. The Art in the Chamber show ends on Dec. 30, so you will have lots of time to check it out. Remember, art is a gift that lasts a lifetime.
These community art displays are sponsored by the Community of Creston Arts Council, the Creston Valley Public Library and the Creston Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centre to enable artists from Yahk to Riondel to display their art and to let the public see the wonders of the world through the artists’ eyes. The art in both locations is for sale so please support the local artists and the venues.
I will soon be sending out a call to artists for next year’s exhibits, so if you would like your name on the list to display at one of these venues, contact Val van der Poel at 250-866-5772.