The North Island Writers Conference (NIWC) is moving online and expanding for 2021. ADOBE STOCK IMAGE

North Island Writers Conference going virtual for 2021

The North Island Writers Conference (NIWC) is moving online and expanding for 2021.

The North Island Writers Conference (NIWC) is moving online and expanding for 2021.

We’re very excited for this new format for our 2021 conference,” said Joline Martin, chair of the NIWC. “Going virtual has allowed for more flexibility in scheduling and allows us to increase access for writers in our region and beyond.”

The conference will kick off Friday, Jan. 8 with guest speaker Jennifer Manuel, an award-winning author and teacher speaking on ‘The Craft of Writing.’

The first workshops run Saturday, Jan. 9 and continue throughout the month until Jan. 29. Topics of the workshops include how to inject life into fiction and non-fiction, how to transform your page with deep revisions and how to work through writer’s block.

The scheduling of the workshops has also been updated this year to ensure there is no overlap. Each workshop has been broken into manageable Zoom segments and assigned its own timeslot.

“We heard from previous attendees that having multiple workshops running at once was a challenge,” said Martin. “This new, extended format allowed us to give each workshop its own day and time so participants didn’t have to choose between workshops.”

Registration for the conference is open now.

Visit for full details of the workshops and presenters.

Comox Valley Record