Grammy Award-winner Alex Cuba and his son Owen chat with Facundo Gastiazoro in front of the artist’s in-progress mural of Cuba on the side of the Warehouse One building. (Grant Harris photo)

Grammy Award-winner Alex Cuba and his son Owen chat with Facundo Gastiazoro in front of the artist’s in-progress mural of Cuba on the side of the Warehouse One building. (Grant Harris photo)

Northwest B.C. musician to receive an honorary doctorate degree from Ontario university

Alex Cuba will become Doctor of Laws at Queen’s University in October on heels of Grammy win

Smithers music phenom Alex Cuba has announced he will be receiving an honourary doctorate degree from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario in October.

“I am feeling very honoured and excited, it is beyond my dreams,” said Cuba.

A letter from Dr. Patrick Deane, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s University, in part reads: “On behalf of the Senate of Queen’s University at Kingston, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to receive the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws. In Nominating you for an Honorary Degree, Queen’s University wishes to recognize your artistic and cultural impact as a Cuban musician, maintaining the sound and musical fabric of your birthplace, while at the same time integrating yourself thoroughly and successfully in the cultures of Canada.”

READ MORE: Alex Cuba nominated for another Grammy award

In his acceptance of the degree, Cuba has also been asked to give an address to the graduating students.

This has been a remarkable year for Cuba, winning the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop album this year, for an album recorded and produced right here in the Bulkley Valley.

Now an honorary doctorate degree, and a mural on Main Street in Smithers as a tribute to his lifetime achievements in the music industry.

“Words are not enough to express the immense gratitude that I feel, the decision to paint this mural was not only a celebration of my Grammy win, but also art in general and that can only form an even better community,” Cuba said in a statement.

“It has been an incredible year.”

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Alex Cuba wins first Grammy for Best Latin Pop album Sunday, April 3. (FB photo)

Alex Cuba wins first Grammy for Best Latin Pop album Sunday, April 3. (FB photo)