The past few years the show has been in conjunction with the annual Festival of the Grape, held at the end of September or early October, during harvest time.
The Fall Art Show opens at 3 p.m. September 29, in the Oliver Community Center Hall. The show is open to the public, no admission but donations always appreciated. A variety of works by the artisans include paintings, photography, fibre arts, three dimensional, mixed media, emerging artists 18 and under ,and best interpretation of theme.
There will be a special display of children’s art and a display of the works of the Ripoffs their take off on the photos of Ansel Adam ‘s San Francisco warehouses. An added feature this year will be demos and displays of the works of four featured artists.
Kindrie Grove will demo from 3 until 5:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Terry Isaac will demo on Sunday 12-2:30 p.m.
Leza Macdonald will follow with her demo from 2:30-5 p.m.
Linda Anderson’s works will be on display throughout the show.
Voting for your favourites will take place from 3-8 p.m. The awards will be presented to the artists between 8.30 and 9 p.m. The reception, to be held between 7-9 p.m. will enable you to meet the artists, including the featured artists, and a chance to fully indulge in the beauty of the creative works of the artists.
Entertainment by our talented harpist, Ingrid Schellenberg and a special performance of Casting Shadows will add to an eventful evening. Delectable refreshments will be served. While perusing the Show you may want to bid on the items on the silent auction. Collectibles, items for every home and local wines. The monies from the auction go to art related projects in our community.
Sunday, September 30 the show opens at 12 p.m. for attendees to the Festival of the Grape only. There will be two demos and a silent auction. A wonderful afternoon to delight the residents and visitors to the festival. The show will close at 5 p.m. Purchasers of art works and silent auction items may pick up their goods as they leave the festival.
The fall art show and sale is an opportunity to display the incredible talents of our local artisans. The Oliver Arts Council welcomes you to visit the show and make this an outstanding event.