Paint what you see at workshop in Lake Country

Westside artist Jerry Markham teaches artists to really see when he presents workshop at Lake Country Art Gallery Art House Sept. 27 and 28.

With the addition of a dedicated art workshop space in the Lake Country Art Gallery’s Art House space, the gallery is offering the third in its signature workshops series.

Westside artist Jerry Markham presents Paint What You See, which runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a one hour lunch break on Saturday, Sept. 27 and Sunday, Sept. 28. The workshop coincides with Culture Days taking place around the country.

“These workshops are designed to offer participants an in- depth art making experience that will take one idea and really dive into it,” said Katie Brennan, LCAG curator.

Markham’s workshop will focus on teaching artists to really see, which often requires some unlearning of things that we are often totally unaware of.

“Our brain fills in gaps resulting in painting what we think we see, not what is actually there,” said Markham.

In this two-day class, through demonstrations, drawing and painting exercises, as well as critiques, participants will learn techniques to improve their observational skills.

“The beauty of learning to really see is that you can then paint anything – a still life, landscape, or the figure. There are no tricks, magic keys or fancy colour combinations that will ever surpass your ability to observe,” said Markham.

The workshop is open to people who paint in oil, acrylic or watercolor, and at any skill level.

Markham is a Canadian artist and plein air painter who enjoys landscape, mountain, wildlife, and figure painting. You can find out more about Markham and his work at

An upcoming signature workshop, Source of Inspiration, with Vernon clay sculptor Gale Woodhouse, takes place at the LCAG Art House, Oct. 18 and 19.

For information and to register for the workshops, visit



Vernon Morning Star