Spiderman is ready to take on the 2019 Penticton Beer Run, stopping to take a photo at the first location, Highway 97 Brewery. (Photo by Jason Lam)

Spiderman is ready to take on the 2019 Penticton Beer Run, stopping to take a photo at the first location, Highway 97 Brewery. (Photo by Jason Lam)

Photos: Spiderman takes on the Penticton Beer Run

The group was inspired to dress as the beloved Marvel comic book hero to participate in the event

The Penticton Beer Run went down on Saturday, June 8, and brought all kinds of people to the city’s streets and breweries, including your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.

Participants in the annual event usually adorn group costumes, so Penticton resident Jason Lam, alongside teammates Keegan O’Hara and Ryan Eda, chose to dress as the iconic Marvel comic book hero. Lam said aside from the fact that the film Spider-Man: Into the Spide-Verse was recently released, the group liked the idea of participating as a comic book hero since hte proceeds from the Beer Run go towards the Youth Outdoor Recreation Society.

READ MORE: Video: Penticton Beer Run shows off city’s brews and views

“Stan Lee’s message is perfect: That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and becuase it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero,” said Lam. “We thought your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman was a good choice!”

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