Pianist earns 2020 BC Piano Music Competition award

Michael Robert represented the North Island Branch of the Registered Music Teachers at the 2020 BC Piano Music Competition where he was granted the "Adjudicator's Choice Award" by Dr. Jamie Syer.

Michael Robert represented the North Island Branch of the Registered Music Teachers at the 2020 BC Piano Music Competition where he was granted the “Adjudicator’s Choice Award” by Dr. Jamie Syer.

Due to the pandemic, the semi-final and final performances had to be prepared digitally before the date of the competition.

Robert’s repertoire for the semi-final portion of the competition consisted of the Tempest Sonata in D-, Op.31 #2 & #3 movements by L. Van Beethoven, Jardins Sous la Pluie by C. Debussy, Everything Waits for the Lilacs by J. Burge. Robert prepared the English Suite #2 (Prelude, Sarabande & Gigue) by J.S. Bach, and Nocturne in E flat Major Op55 #2 by F. Chopin as well as the J. Burge piece for the final phase of the competition.

He started his musical journey at the age of six and has continued it with Campbell River music teacher Cindy Taylor since 2013. He has also benefitted from the tutelage of visiting pianists Elias Axel Petterson, Frederick Voorn, and Glen Montgomery via private lessons and masterclasses.

He has participated in multiple music festivals. He represented the North Island Festival of the Performing Arts in Chilliwack in May of 2019 as the Intermediate Piano Rep. In 2020, he was chosen as the Senior Rep for the Provincial Piano Competition by the Mid-Island Festival. Unfortunately, the pandemic necessitated the cancellation of this event.

He was the recipient of the Marie Josephine Richard award (2015), as well as the Dorothy Brealey Piano Scholarship in 2020. He has completed his practical level 10 Exam and is now working at the ARCT level of the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Robert received the BCRMTA Gold Community Service Certificate for generously sharing his talent with the community. He performed for the pleasure of the inhabitants of Berwick, Glacier View, Casa Loma, and Abbeyfield Care Facilities. He was also the accompanist for the Marc Isfeld School Choir as well as the Music Director of the Union Bay United Church.

He is currently experiencing his first year at UBC in the Music Programme.

To quote his piano teacher Taylor, “There is something magical that reaches into the soul of the listener when Michael shares his music with others. Michael is a very humble person who is unaware of how very rare his special musical gifts are.”

RELATED: Grand piano scholarship presented to Campbell River pianist

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