Grapevine is courtesy the Trail Times, not a guaranteed submission.

Grapevine is courtesy the Trail Times, not a guaranteed submission.

Pottery sale in Trail, Strawberry Tea in Fruitvale

Grapevine: List of events in the Trail area for the week of April 4 to April 10


• Friday, Rossland Miners Hall, 7:30 p.m. An Unconventional Life performed by Lynn van Deursen and Noemi Kiss. Written by van Deursen, this musical and theatrical performance tells the tale of an unconventional young woman and her passionate pursuit of an education.

• Saturday, St. Rita’s Parish, 1-2:30 p.m. Strawberry Tea and Bake Sale. Door prize, entry by donation. Bring neighbours and friends for a fun afternoon. Located 1935 East View Street, Fruitvale. Doors open 1 p.m.

• Monday, Bailey Theatre, noon to 9 p.m.., Kootenay Festival of the Arts opens with a dance competition. Runs until Friday.


• Thursday, Trail Legion, 7 p.m. presents “Legendary Duos.” Tickets $25. Doors open 6:30 p.m. For info call 364.1422.


• Sunday, Royal Theatre, 4:30 p.m. Sunday Cinema presents Stan and Ollie. Laurel and Hardy, the world’s most famous comedy duo, attempt to reignite their film careers as they embark on their swan song, a grueling tour of post-war Britain.


• Friday, VISAC Gallery, 5-8 p.m. Opening reception for Pottery Club Spring Show and Sale. Bob Ross dedication and member appreciation night. Show runs until May 17. Open Tues. to Thurs. 10 a.m. til 6 p.m., Fridays noon til 6 p.m.



• April 11, Trail Seniors Centre, 12 p.m. for Spring Banquet. Tickets $18. Dance to follow, music by Peter Makortoff. For info call 250.364.0960 or Darlene McIsaac at 250.368.9790. Entrance at 925 Portland Street.

• April 11, Riverfront Centre, 6 p.m. Author Talk with Skip Rowland. Escaping the frantic pace of an overpopulated environment to live his dream, Rowland sailed to the South Pacific and beyond. He now lives in the B.C. mountains with his ship-mate, wife Denise.

• April 12, Wooden Hanger, 4 p.m. Neighbourhood Grans to Grans (fundraiser for the Stephen Lewis Foundation) is having a Ladies Night Out and Fashion Show. Wine, appetizers and gift basked donated by local businesses. Tickets $25, available at Wooden Hanger, located at 1396 Cedar Ave., Trail.

• April 13, Knox United Church, 1 p.m. Society for the Protection and Care of Seniors will meet in the smaller hall lounge, located at 1300 Pine Ave. in downtown Trail. Short presentation on strokes: recognizing signs, understanding what it does, risks and prevention. All welcome. Call 250.362.5767 if ride needed.

• April 14, Bailey Theatre, 2 p.m. Teck Family Series presents The 26 Letter Dance. Journey into the world of letters and words in this bold and playful work.

• April 14, Royal Theatre 2 p.m. Showing Noah. Travel with Noah as he fulfills God’s command, even amidst seemingly impossible odds and the scrutiny of onlookers. Experience this extraordinary Bible story as it comes to life in jaw-dropping scale as Noah leads live animals inside the Ark – with sets towering four stories above the stage. Filmed before a live audience, escape the treacherous flood and become immersed in this incredible production. Also showing Thursday, April 18 at 7 p.m. $15 Adult & $13 Child. Tickets at the door the day-of, adults $15. children $13.

• April 16, Bailey Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Pipe Bands Anniversary Celebration. Trail Pipe Band celebrates 95 years and the Kootenay Kilties Pipe Band, one century of piping.

• April 16, Holy Trinity Church, 10 a.m. Area Right to Life Society will hold their AGM in the upstairs meeting room. Located 2012 Third Ave. East Trail. All welcome.

• April 17, VISAC Gallery, 6:30-7:30 p.m. the Lower Columbia Unitarians will host an Open House. All welcome to come by, have a snack and learn about this growing community group. Recently affiliated with the Canadian Unitarian Council, the group meets to deepen connections, take action for a better world, and engage in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. Event will include live music, refreshments and more. Guests invited to check out visual displays, watch a short introductory video, have a chat with members and take home an information packet. Because Unitarians are known for “deeds, not creeds”, the group will also be accepting donations by cash or cheque for the United Church food bank. For information email

• April 27, Cedar Avenue, Trail’s incrEDIBLE Farmer’s Market kicks off the season. Vendors and musician Jason Thomas.

• April 28, Bailey Theatre, 2 p.m. Kootenay Festival of the Arts presents The Highlights Concert. Admission by donation.

• May 8, City of Trail, Silver City Days kicks off annual carnival, with family fun, food vendors and live entertainment. Runs through to May 12. Details coming soon.

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