Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are Billy and Nick, unemployed salesman interning at Google.

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are Billy and Nick, unemployed salesman interning at Google.

Reel Reviews: Vaughn, Wilson crash Google

You don’t have to be ‘net savvy to find The Internship funny, but it helps.

Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) are two old-school salesmen, kings of the cold call, even able to talk clients into buying things they don’t need.

Unfortunately for them, the company they work for has been sold out from under them and they find themselves having to talk their way into an internship at Google.

Completely out of touch, in terms of both technology and modern work environments, Billy and Nick must drag much younger, genius nerds down to their level, just to be understood.

We say, “You don’t have to be ‘net savvy to find it funny, but it helps.”

HOWE: The comedy dream team is back, or so I was expecting. It wasn’t that The Internship didn’t make me laugh — it has the right ingredients to work: two funny guys, an awkward situation for them and a drinking binge. Whereas, I found Wedding Crashers entertaining and funny, I thought this was pretty bland – a bit like bacon ‘n eggs without the brown sauce. (Brown sauce, by the way, is HP sauce.)

TAYLOR: I thought the film was exactly what one would expect. Vaughn is always the guy who takes a million words to say anything. Wilson is always the guy in touch with his sensitive side. Together they are the brotherly best friends any buddy comedy from Hollywood deserves. I laughed two or three times, which is rather paltry, all things considered. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind the predictability of the story because of the film’s social setting. What makes this film interesting is the dichotomy between the old fashioned salesmanship, (being able to shoot the breeze, gain a customer’s trust, convince them that they like you and therefore should do business with you) and modern acumen provided by simply stating facts, backed up with a cold, digital amalgam intellect. Simply put, the old guys need to stop shovelling bovine excrement; the young kids need to look up from their screens and re-discover their humanity.

HOWE: They sound a bit like us two at work, though you being more like Vaughn’s role, Mr. Taylor. I found some of the younger crowd to be more entertaining than the two main characters. Max Minghella was great as the posey, show-off, know it all, who thinks he should have the job just because. Josh Brener was very good as the nerdy, trying to be hip, team leader Lyle.

TAYLOR: All in all, I think I am nerdy and tech savvy enough to get the humour in this movie. It’s possible for someone who doesn’t spend hours per day on a computer to see the fun in the film, recognize the personal flaws responsible for the lessons these characters need to learn and enjoy their relationships. The Internship isn’t breaking any new ground, but it also doesn’t offend. As it managed to evoke a couple of laughs out of me, I recommend geeks of all ages take the opportunity to stare at a really big screen for a change.

—Taylor gives The Internship 3 G+ accounts out of 5.

— Howe gives it 2.5 broomsticks out of 5.

The film is currently showing at the Galaxy Cinemas in Vernon.

Brian Taylor and Peter Howe are freelance movie reviewers whose column, Reel Reviews, appears in The Morning Star Friday and Sunday









Vernon Morning Star