Rossland Light Opera Players wraps up auditions

Auditions for Anne of Green Gables took place this Monday and Tuesday evening

Danielle clarke

Rossland News

The auditions for Anne of Green Gables took place this Monday and Tuesday evening at the Rossland Light Opera Players (RLOP) Hall in Rossland.

Auditions took about five minutes per person as everyone; adults, teens and children filed in one by one and presented their rendition of Happy Birthday before reading from the script.

Anne of Green Gables is a Canadian classic that pulls on the heartstrings of many people’s childhood memories.

“I saw the play in PEI and I thought this would be a great show for RLOP,” said director Marnie Jacobsen who read the book as a child.

“It’s the best known Canadian musical play and I really want RLOP to do a Canadian show,” added Jacobsen.

For more information or to  get involved, contact Marnie Jacobsen at


Rossland News