Fans of Cowichan’s Carlow Rush and Nanaimo’s Jacksun Fryer will be waiting in front of their TVs anxiously Sunday, March 17.
The hip hop duo, known as Funkanometry, have made it past the qualifying round in NBC’s World of Dance, and now move forward to the next step, known as the duels, in which they face off against similar competition.
The qualifiers finished up Sunday, March 10, with some acts making the cut, and some falling at the first hurdle by not reaching the required score of 85. The judges, Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, and Ne-Yo, have been tougher in this, the show’s third year, lifting the bar higher than in the previous seasons.
Funkanometry is now sitting about half way up the standings in its group: Junior Solo/Duo/Trio. They were told, after their first round, that they have to increase the difficulty of their moves if they plan to go forward, and knowing the guys, they will have stepped up.
So, get ready to settle in Sunday evening at 8 p.m. to see how it’s all going to unfold for this pair of Island teenagers.