Dani Barker, originally from Salmon Arm, is working with others in the New York City film industry to bring a script she wrote to life as a feature film called Follow Her. (Contributed)

Salmon Arm woman’s movie thriller nearing completion, in need of backing

Dani Barker wrote and stars in Follow Her which wrapped filming in New York in February

A thriller film with a local connection is nearing completion but in need of investors.

Dani Barker, who grew up in Salmon Arm, wrote and stars in Follow Her – described as a realistic and timely horror film dealing with a terrifying situation encountered by a woman seeking social media stardom.

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Barker and her collaborators on the movie were able to wrap filming in New York by the end of February, and she completed her move to Vancouver before the pandemic hit. She said working on the project remotely with others spread across North America was occasionally held up by a frozen Skype or Zoom call, but the movie is now nearing completion.

Post production on Follow Her, including colour, sound and visual effects, is being contracted out to companies with significant experience on Hollywood movies. Barker said she never expected the project to turn out so effects-heavy but now sees the visual effects as an essential part of the story, describing them as being like another character.

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Costs associated with post-production are part of the reason Barker and her fellow filmmakers are seeking backers for the movie in an effort to raise $50,000 through an online platform called Wefunder. The difference between Wefunder and crowd-funding platforms like GoFundMe is that those who give money through Wefunder are investors entitled to a share of the movie’s profits.

The Wefunder campaign had already raised $20,050 as of Nov. 24. The campaign is available at wefunder.com/followher, and those with questions can contact Barker or her fellow filmmakers using followherfunding@gmail.com.

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