Seniors enjoy theatre

On Saturday Nov. 25, twenty-five seniors participated in a bus trip o Sagebrush Theatre in Kamloops

Seniors enjoy theatre On Saturday Nov. 25, twenty-five seniors participted in a bus trip to Sagebrush Theatre in Kamloops and enjoyed a lively performance of Mama Mia. This trip was organized by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society and supported by a grant from Wells Gray Community Forest. Waiting for the performance to begin are: (back row l-r) Ethel Robinson, Eva Gebert, Sue Ludke, Gail Capostinsky,Tina Haring, Bill Haring, and Joyce Harrington (front row l-r): Helen Knight, Marg Sunderman and Elsie Sunderman.

Seniors enjoy theatre On Saturday Nov. 25, twenty-five seniors participted in a bus trip to Sagebrush Theatre in Kamloops and enjoyed a lively performance of Mama Mia. This trip was organized by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society and supported by a grant from Wells Gray Community Forest. Waiting for the performance to begin are: (back row l-r) Ethel Robinson, Eva Gebert, Sue Ludke, Gail Capostinsky,Tina Haring, Bill Haring, and Joyce Harrington (front row l-r): Helen Knight, Marg Sunderman and Elsie Sunderman.

On Saturday Nov. 25, twenty-five seniors participated in a bus trip to Sagebrush Theatre in Kamloops and enjoyed a lively performance of Mama Mia. This trip was organized by Wells Gray Country Seniors Society and supported by a grant from Wells Gray Community Forest. Waiting for the performance to begin are: (back row l-r) Ethel Robinson, Eva Gebert, Sue Ludke, Gail Capostinsky,Tina Haring, Bill Haring, and Joyce Harrington; (front row l-r) Helen Knight, Marg Sunderman and Elsie Sunderman.


Clearwater Times