Si Kahn stays for special show in Duncan

American folk and roots music legend Si Kahn will perform a special fundraising show at Providence Farm on Monday, July 25.

Si Kahn is staying in the Valley an extra day to give a special fundraising performance at Providence Farm.

Si Kahn is staying in the Valley an extra day to give a special fundraising performance at Providence Farm.

American folk and roots music legend Si Kahn will perform a special fundraising show in the atmospheric chapel at Providence Farm on Monday, July 25.

He’ll be in the Cowichan Valley for the Islands Folk Festival and is stepping up for this extra show to help with ongoing Cowichan Folk Guild and Providence Farm programs.

This enduring favourite, who has worked as a civil rights, labour and community organizer for more than 50 years, will share his songs of family, community, love, work, and freedom, recorded and performed by hundreds of artists in Europe and North America.

“Si Kahn is one of the Islands Folk Festival performers and he has offered to stay an extra day to present this special concert to raise money for the Cowichan Folk Guild and Providence Farm,” said Folkfest publicist Bobbie Blue. “This is an amazing act of kindness on his part and we sure do appreciate it.”

Doors open at 7 p.m. with the show starting at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $25 each for adults or $20 for youth, CFG or Providence Farm members. Get them at Volume One Books in Duncan. They are also available through the Cowichan Folk Guild Office at 250-748-3975 and

Cowichan Valley Citizen