March 6, Susannah Adams, Crofton Hotel Pub, 2 to 5 p.m.

March 6, Susannah Adams, Crofton Hotel Pub, 2 to 5 p.m.

The Last Word for the week of March 2, 2016

March 4, Ladysmith Ambassadors beverage and burger night, 5:30 p.m. at the Cottonwood Golf Course.

• March 4, Ladysmith Ambassadors beverage and burger night, 5:30 p.m. at the Cottonwood Golf Course. Fundraiser for the Ambassador youth program. Besides a great dinner and beverage, there will be specials and an opportunity to meet the Ambassador candidates for 2016. Tickets are available from any Ambassador candidate or by calling 250-245-5750 or 250-245-2263. Funds are needed to help these young people promote our community.

• March 6, Susannah Adams, Crofton Hotel Pub, 2 to 5 p.m. Jazz vocalist Susannah Adams is riding a rising wave of popularity. She will perform for the third time in the Crofton jazz series, where her engaging stage presence and adventurous stylings of jazz standards impressed local fans. Said Crofton jazz series organizer Pat Selman, “Susannah is a wonderful story-teller and an accomplished improviser who puts her own interpretation on the lyrics and melodies of the Great American Songbook.” Admission $10, 1534 Joan Avenue, Crofton. For information 250-324-2245 or visit

• March 8, Starting & Growing Early Vegetable Seedlings, Ladysmith branch of Vancouver Island Public Library, 6 – 8:30 p.m. Start preparing for another growing season with this presentation by Colen Hanson and hosted by the Ladysmith Saltair Garden Club. Free. #3-740 First Avenue. Phone 250-245-2322

• March 8, Sarah Hagen and Søren Bebe, Port Theatre in Nanaimo, 10:30 a.m. Internationally acclaimed classical pianist Sarah Hagen welcomes guest jazz pianist Søren Bebe for an ‘exceptional collaboration.’ Part of the Spotlight series. Tickets $27 (adult); $24.50 (members); $15 (student); $5 (eyeGo)

• March 12, Harry Manx at the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre, 2687 James Street, 7:30 p.m. An expert in melding East and West music together, Manx returns to the Cowichan Performing Arts Centre, bringing an exciting eastern twist to blues, pop and jazz classics. He has received CBC Radio’s Great Canadian Blues Award for 2007 and his albums have garnered six Juno nominations. Tickets available at 250-748-7529 or $36 (adults); $32 (Cowichan Folk Guild); $5 (eyeGo).

• March 14-24, Art Camps at the Nanaimo Art Gallery. During Spring Break the Nanaimo Art Gallery offers a series of Art Camps (each four or five sessions) at its Art Lab, including: Yvonne Vander Kooi, exploring ideas about art, learning and creating using traditional and contemporary approaches to sculpture, painting, video, and photography.; and Carole Brooke, inspired by the work of Ron Tran, who likes to “change the way we see ordinary things by placing them in a different setting.” The camps cost $100 each, materials are included. For more information, or to register, call 250-754-1750.



Ladysmith Chronicle