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Tickets on sale now for Many Hats’ ‘Swing Dance’ comedy

The racy comedy includes adult themes, tickets available at Nest and Nectar

Tickets are on sale now for ‘Swing Dance’, a racy adult-themed comedy presented by Many Hats.

By Canadian Playwright Lynda Martens, the play features two baby boomer couples struggling with the issues of how to feel young, connected, alive, attracted and wanted. Walter desperately employs bold pharmaceutical measures (the little blue pill) to reconnect with his wife, Vicky, after she launches a new cupcake career with her sophisticated partner, Fred. But neither is prepared for the bombshell that Fred and his wife, Sally, drop during dinner one night.

Swing Dance opens Feb. 7 and runs until Mar. 2. Performances are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2:00 p.m.

Swing Dance is directed by Jane Pilkey, fresh from her stellar performance in ‘On a First Name Basis’, and Produced by Ben Amos. The cast includes Karla Hennig, Clem Jones, Al Toots, and Jeanne Wnuk.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $22 for students and seniors, GST included. Tickets can be purchased at The Nest and Nectar or reserved during their business hours by phoning 250-493-7275.

There will be two gala opening nights. First, on Thursday Feb. 7, there will be Many Hats’ traditional opening reception immediately following the performance featuring treats from the Nest and Nectar and wines from Many Hats’ official winery sponsor, Play Estate.

On Friday, Feb. 8, there will be a reception for the second opening night, featuring the craft brews of The Cannery Brewing Company, more goodies from Nest and Nectar, and door prizes furnished by Andre Martin of Many Hats’ official printing sponsor, Minuteman Press.

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