Toys for Tots to Teens is back again this year, seeking to ensure there is a present under the tree for every child in the community. This year’s event takes place at Penticton Secondary on Dec. 6. Western News file photo

Toys for Tots to Teens is back again this year, seeking to ensure there is a present under the tree for every child in the community. This year’s event takes place at Penticton Secondary on Dec. 6. Western News file photo

Toys for Tots brings Christmas for everyone

Penticton Secondary hosting this year's toy drive

Penticton Secondary School is hosting the annual Toys for Tots to Teens gift drive for 2018.

Related: Toys for Tots to Teens Penticton morning drop off a success

The event will be on Dec. 6 with breakfast and entertainment on the stage from 7 to 9 a.m., though toys can continue to be dropped off at the school office until 4 p.m.

Community members are asked to bring an unwrapped present that will be distributed to non-profit groups who will ensure every child in our community has something under their tree. In exchange for each unwrapped present, the Penticton Secondary cafeteria program is preparing a breakfast for the donor. Additional breakfasts will be available for purchase (minimum $5 donation per breakfast).

This event is being organized by student leaders along with local service groups and clubs.

Steve Kidd

Senior reporter, Penticton Western News

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