The second annual fire truck pull in Burns Lake will be held on Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Lakes District Fall Fair this year. Last year’s event raised just over $1000 for United Way, and the goal this year is to raise $3000. Registration is open until noon on Sept. 5

The second annual fire truck pull in Burns Lake will be held on Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Lakes District Fall Fair this year. Last year’s event raised just over $1000 for United Way, and the goal this year is to raise $3000. Registration is open until noon on Sept. 5

Up coming entertaining event

Burns Lake will hold its second annual fire truck pull at this year's 71 annual Lakes District Fall Fair in support of United Way.

Burns Lake will hold its second annual fire truck pull on Saturday, Sept. 6 at this year’s 71 annual Lakes District Fall Fair in support of United Way.

The event consists of teams of 10 seeing who can pull a 30,000 pound fire truck 50 feet the fastest.

The event is used to help raise money for United Way, which does a lot of work with local and regional programming in communities such as Burns Lake.

United Way, a non profit organization relies on donations to help run and support various programs it helps to run.

United Way Northern B.C. covers the area from Quesnel, north to the Yukon boarder and from the Alberta boarder, west to Haida Gwaii.

Their mission is to help Northern B.C. communities stay strong by helping people who are struggling to get back on their feet, helping people get healthy and stay healthy and helping kids get the education and opportunities that they deserve.

Last year the event saw four teams enter, including a team from the Burns Lake Fire Department, and raised over $1000 for United Way.

United Way’s goal this year is to raise $3000.

“United Way as a non profit organization, our work solely depends on the donations of individuals by them coming out and helping raise funds through this event they’re helping their community,” Ginter said.

To enter a team must raise a minimum of $250 in pledges.

A BBQ prize pack, which includes a portable BBQ and a utensil kid has been presented as a prize.

Any person that raises a minimum of $150 will be entered as well as any team that raises the minimum $250.

Participants must be 19-years of age or older.

Those who aren’t participating can still help Ginter says.

“Even if you’re not participating in the event, you can help by donating money because every single dollar counts,” Ginter said.

Registration is done online by going to and is open until noon on Friday, Sept. 5, the day before the event is scheduled to occur.

Any further questions can be directed to Ginter by phoning 250-561-1040 or by emailing


Burns Lake Lakes District News