Vanier hosts a Shamrock Shindig

Fundraiser to help with costs for national improv competition

Get into the Irish spirit early with Vanier Improv’s Shamrock Shindig on Saturday, March 14.

This light-hearted St. Patrick’s Day-themed show will tickle your funny bone as improvisation teams from the Vancouver Island region band together to help send Vanier’s team to the Canadian Improv Games National Tournament and Festival in Ottawa.

The Island teams will play together in Whose Line is it Anyway-style games designed pretty much solely to entertain the audience.

In February, Vanier won the Vancouver Island Improv tournament, and the right to represent the region at the national tournament.

While the honour is great, the costs are high. Plane tickets alone are over $800 for each of the 15 students and the two chaperones.

The show this week is one of the many ways the Vanier team is raising the money to pay the costs.

The improvisers are thrilled not only about going to the national tournament, but also about getting the opportunity with this Shamrock Shindig show to play alongside their peers, whom they admire so much.

“I am so excited to have an improv show with other schools because we get to see them do amazing work in the Canadian Improv games but don’t get to perform with them,” explains Sara Kozack, one of Vanier’s team captains. “Everyone from the other teams have unique and awesome talents and it is going to be super cool to get to hang out and perform with them all.”

So why should you attend?

“It’s a great mixture of all different types of improv talent smushed into one – like a big pizza pop of improv!” says Sarah Wharram.

In other words, it’s a good time you don’t want to miss!

Shamrock Shindig is at 7 p.m. in the Vanier Studio Theatre March 14.

Tickets are $10 and available from improvisers, by contacting Lori Mazey at or by buying them at the door while they last.


Comox Valley Record