Vince Vaccaro returns to the Duncan Showroom in January with a unique fundraising show. (Submitted)

Vince Vaccaro returns to the Duncan Showroom in January with a unique fundraising show. (Submitted)

VIDEO: Great lineup greets new year at Duncan Showroom

Vince Vaccaro, David Gogo, plus a one man band: and that's just for starters

What can you look forward to at the Duncan Showroom in the next few weeks?

In a word: plenty!

Starting tonight, (Friday, Jan. 4) it’s Cheko and the Lion Rockers serving up a tasty helping of danceable reggae music. Tickets are $12 at the door.

On Saturday, Jan. 5, start your new year loudly with Eliminator’s ZZ Top tribute. Longevity John has decided “the music is too important not to be heard again”. Tickets are $15 at the door and $12 in advance.

By Friday night, Jan. 11, you can join a Hip Hop Partee at 8 p.m. with Shorty, Dr. PM, Xavier, and Schaps. Ten dollar tickets are already in short supply. Get ’em now.

On Wednesday, Jan. 16 get on board with Rob Moir, an indie-folk singer/songwriter perpetually on that lonesome road.

According to Long John, “Rob continues to expand his audience as he performs his songs across the world, making fans the old fashioned way — one dedicated believer at a time.” Tickets are $15 at the door and $12 in advance.

The next night, Thursday, Jan. 17 come out for Stephen Hardy Palmer’s CD release tour for The Journey In Story and Song. Folk, gospel, roots, acoustic, ragtime, country blues: he does it all. Get in for $15 at the door or $12 in advance.

lexi.bainas@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Then, on Friday, Jan. 18, Vince Vaccaro is back at the Showroom with A Concert for Alaska.

“Since booking this concert, one of Vince’s canine brothers has taken ill. Many vet trips, meds and angst time as they look to figure out what is causing the decline in the health of his pal,” says Long John, “so, not only will a great concert be presented, but a worthy cause comes attached.”

Tickets for Vaccaro are $18 in advance or $20 at the door. Get them now. This one is selling fast.

David Gogo is back with his band on Saturday, Jan. 19. He loves playing the Showroom and always rocks to a full house so get tickets soon. They’re $30 at the door or $25 in advance.

There’s fun on Sunday when Sean Michael Simpson rolls into town Jan. 20.

Outfitted with a string of foot percussion, a road worn Stratocaster and a contemporary drum machine, this guy brings a whole new meaning to the phrase: one-man-band. Rock to reggae, and everywhere in between; he’s been everywhere, man! Tickets are $15 at the door or $12 in advance.

Cowichan Valley Citizen