Eben thinks Bobbie’s happiness about the approach of Christmas is ‘humbug’. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

Eben thinks Bobbie’s happiness about the approach of Christmas is ‘humbug’. (Lexi Bainas/Gazette)

VIDEO: ‘Little Scrooge’ is timely and entertaining family fun

Up-to-date working of Christmas classic works really well for modern audience

Right up-to-the-minute, Little Scrooge brings the classic tale of A Christmas Carol close to home for family audiences.

Playwright Patricia Barry Rumble has written a winner here, and the Kaatza Lakeside Players Society production, which continues at Centennial Hall Friday night Nov. 29 and Saturday, Nov. 30, is the place you want to be in Lake Cowichan this weekend.

Keagan Holman carries off the role of Eben Scrooge with lots of grumpy-cat flair, and Hannah Nott as the bouncy, Christmas-loving Bobbie Cratchitt is a delight. They are joined by a fine case that includes Taylor Thomassen as Tiny Tim Cratchitt, Bobbie’s sister; Ivan Spry as Freddy and The Mirror; Lily Allen as the caroller; Roselyn Baird as the Ghost of Christmas Past; Cheryl Holman as the Ghost of Christmas Present; and Helena Barger as the Ghost of Christmas Future; Graham Fielding as Mr. Fuzziwig, and Anna Young as Isabella.

Interspersed with seasonal carols, the 40-minute play is a first time onstage for several of the cast.

The production also features special guests, The Four Lake Cowichan Tenors, who will round out the evening with their great music.

Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday night and 2 p.m. Saturday afternoon as well. Tickets are $15 for everyone 11 and older, while 10-year-olds and under get in for $10. Get your tickets at Dot’s Shoe Store, the Cowichan Lake Visitors Centre, and at the door.

lexi.bainas@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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