Parking for the event will be at the BC Interior Forestry Museum and then there is a short walk to the venue down this trail. (Jocelyn Doll/Revelstoke Review)

Parking for the event will be at the BC Interior Forestry Museum and then there is a short walk to the venue down this trail. (Jocelyn Doll/Revelstoke Review)

What you need to know before going to Woodstoke

The BC Interior Forestry Museum is hosting a music event Saturday Sept. 7

Thinking about heading out to the Interior Forestry Museum’s Woodstoke event this weekend? Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Woodstoke is on from 3 p.m. till 7 p.m. on Saturday Sept. 7, and is situated at the Riverside Forest Walk 3 km north on Highway 23.
  2. Quick drop offs at the entrance are okay however parking is at the B.C. Interior Forestry Museum and then a short walk down the Highlead trail to the forest.
  3. The free shuttle bus will leave from Grizzly Plaza every 25 minute from 2:15 p.m. with last bus returning at 8 p.m.
  4. Accessible permit parking is available beyond the shuttle drop of zone.
  5. Bring a cushion it will soften your log chair.
  6. Leave your coolers at home. We have a beer and wine garden and cold drinks available.
  7. Entrance and beer tickets are cash only.
  8. Smoking is allowed in our two designated areas. Please don’t smoke on the trails and take your butts home.
  9. A condition of our event permit is that no dogs apart from service dogs should attend. Please leave Fido at home.
  10. If you want to access the beer garden bring two pieces of ID to get your wristband.
  11. Along the river edge is a steep embankment with fast flowing water below. Watch your children.
  12. If you need assistance ask any volunteer wearing a red Woodstoke T-shirt.
  13. Please leave the forest as you found it.
  14. Woodstoke is a family friendly event. Keep it nice.

READ MORE: WoodStoke music festival coming to Revelstoke Sept. 7

Tickets for the event are available at Tourism Reveltoke as well as Everything Revelstoke.


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Revelstoke Review