In its next production, The Yellow Point Drama Group will take their audiences on a trip to the romantically frustrated Irish countryside, as two lifelong neighbours struggle to express their feelings.
From April 5 to 20 the YPDG presents Outside Mulligar, a 2014 play by Tony-, Oscar- and Pulitzer-winning American playwright John Patrick Shanley. Director Armando dos Santos said he was immediately drawn to the play by its writing. He said it also reminded him of people living in the countryside of his native Portugal.
“The dialogue is great,” he said. “It’s got a bit of everything. It’s funny, it’s poignant, it has a really crazy love story of two neighbours living [next to] each other for 30 years and never being able to tell each other.”
Clayton Orlando and Kristin Forester play Anthony and Rosemary, the couple with unspoken feelings. Dos Santos said his leads have scenes with “copious amounts” of dialogue, which is challenging for the actors as well as the director.
Forester said her Irish background was one factor that motivated her to be a part of the production. She described Outside Mullingar as a love story about “looking for something for years that ended up being right in front of you the whole time.”
Orlando said he’s been a fan of Shanley’s since seeing a production of one of the playwright’s earlier works a few years ago. As someone who mostly acts in period pieces and plays “written in the ’80s”, Orlando said finds Outside Mullingar more relatable.
He described his character as stoic and resistant to outside help. He said the play demonstrates the need to communicate and “allow people in.”
“Anthony Reilly really wants to do everything on his own, but he really can’t do everything on his own,” Orlando said. “And even in my own life, sometimes I really try to do everything on my own and I really can’t because I need people and relationships are very important. And really, that’s what life is about: relationships.”
WHAT’S ON …Yellow Point Drama Group presents Outside Mullingar at Cedar Community Hall on April 5, 6, 12, 13 and 19 at 7:30 p.m. and April 20 at 2 and at 7:30 p.m. $20 cash at the door, $15 each for groups of 10 or more. Reserve at 250-722-2459 or online.
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