Young owls released at Milner

It was a happy ending last week, as two owls were released back into the wild at Milner Gardens.

It was a happy ending last week, as two owls were released back into the wild at Milner Gardens.

One owl was discovered about five months ago by a summer student on the Milner Gardens and Woodland property, then just a baby.

“It was found on the ground out the nest and it should have been in the nest still,” said Julie Mackey, assistant manager of centre at the North Island Wildlife Recovery Association (NIWRA) in Errington.

After phoning NIWRA, Milner Gardens’ staff were given instructions to wrap the owl up and bring it to the centre.


Another owl from the area of a similar age was also brought in within a couple weeks and the two were raised together. Now old enough to fend for themselves, the two owls were released together at Milner Gardens. For more on the  NIWRA and the work it does visit



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