Zivanai Masango is playing Little Zimbabwe Farm. (Submitted)

Zivanai Masango is playing Little Zimbabwe Farm. (Submitted)

Zivanai Masango opens new performance space at Little Zimbabwe Farm in Cowichan

Exciting African singer/ songwriter is the first to play the new studio at Cowichan Lake Road farm

Little Zimbabwe Farm in the Tansor area now boasts a new studio space and is launching it with a show Oct. 18.

“We have a fantastic opening evening event with visiting Zimbabwean Musician, Zivanai who has toured the world backing Zimbabwe’s legendary musicians with his sweet guitar. What an opportunity!” exults Little Z’s Amy Matamba. “Thank you to Ted Wright, Nhemamusasa North and Bopoma Community Music for organizing this tour.”

“This is a great chance to catch an intimate performance with one of Zimbabwe’s best; just Zivanai, his voice, and guitar (with mbira accompaniment, on some songs). A gifted guitarist, his sweet, tasteful, and sincerely heartfelt style of playing is deeply rooted in the cultures and traditions of Zimbabwe and Southern Africa. Singing mostly in his native Shona language, Zivanai seeks to preserve and promote the beauty and expressiveness of this rich language as he brings a message of hope, joy, justice, and perseverance,” Matamba continues.

In the past decade, Zivanai Masango has emerged as a bright star of Southern African music. His first three albums Pachedu (2005), Dutu-Storm (2007) and It’s Time (2013), showcase Zivanai’s progressive, fresh, and yet familiar sound.

From the stadiums and music halls in Zimbabwe to the Hollywood Bowl, Central Park Summer Stage, The Blue Note, Dimitrou’s Jazz Alley, and everything in between, Zivanai has toured the world while backing and sharing stages with diverse artists such as Oliver Mtukudzi, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmy Cliff, Habib Koite, Thomas Mapfumo, The String Cheese Incident, Hugh Masekela, Giovanni Hidalgo and many others.

Showtime is 7:30 p.m. The suggested donation is $15 and you can reserve by contacting Little Zimbabwe on Facebook. The farm is located at 3581 Cowichan Lake Rd. near the Tansor Connector.

lexi.bainas@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen