Candidate Questions: Michael Nenn - NDP

Candidate Questions: Michael Nenn – NDP

Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Riding

1. What do you feel is the biggest issue impacting Mission residents and how will you and/or your party address that?

Affordability is an issue that impacts us all. Past governments have let big polluters off the hook with billions in profits while leaving families to struggle. Time and time again we have watched the Conservatives and Liberals pretend to represent the working class, yet costs increased while billions went offshore tax free.

The NDP will eliminate tax loopholes that favour the super wealthy, create 500,000 new affordable units of housing, 300,000 new quality jobs to transition to a clean economy. Pharmacare, childcare and public transit are investments we care about. By investing in Canadians and not multinational corporations, we can bring hope and dignity to our communities, eliminating those root causes that have destroyed so many lives as with the opioid crisis. It’s time to break the two-party cycle and mistrust. It’s time to create communities that are healthy and vibrant. The NDP are in this for you.

2. What do you feel is the biggest national issue in the federal election and how will you and/or your party address that?

Ensuring that every single person/community has the same access and opportunities to voice their concerns and needs. Unlike previous federal governments favouring corporate lobbyists, the NDP understand that good government must be committed to the true drivers of our economy, working families and sustainable communities. I intend to work with all governments and citizens to build those communities. With First Nations we will replace mere consultation with a standard of free, prior and informed consent supporting self-governance and self-determination.

The NDP are committed to protecting jobs that are essential for families by ensuring local mills are modernized, competitive supporting value-added products and access to larger markets. Cancelling billions to foreign fossil fuel companies and investing in a robust and clean public transportation inclusive of rural communities so you have reliable and safe transportation. Investing in communities with health care and education; this is how we create a strong Canada.

3. Describe for local voters why you chose to run in the election and what attributes/ideas you bring.

Twenty-five years building telecommunications towers to project managing major telecommunication projects instilled common sense, teamwork and a strong work ethic to get the job done. My passion for my wife, three children and community demand I will fight for Mission’s issues, not foreign corporations. The Conservatives promise more money for corporate tax havens cutting services for Canadians. The Liberals’ broken promises on pharmacare, electoral reform and giving billions to fossil fuel companies proves they haven’t changed since their last broken promises in 1993 with Chretien. Pharmacare, affordable quality childcare, protecting workers and transitioning to clean energy are NDP commitments to benefit all Canadians. The Conservatives and Liberals are running for their corporate friends. It’s time for real change to make life more affordable for everyone. External costs of poverty impact us all in the billions and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I’m in this for you.

Mission City Record