(Black Press file photo)

(Black Press file photo)

Polls now closed in Canada’s 2019 federal election

Which party will be chosen to form the next government?

Polls in B.C. are now closed.

A new federal government is expected to be named Monday night, as Canada’s 2019 general election comes to a close.

Please visit the Cloverdale Reporter for full election results.

The main parties vying for the 338 seats in the House of Commons are Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Andrew Scheer’s Conservatives, Jagmeet Singh’s New Democrats, and Elizabeth May’s Greens. The People’s Party of Canada, under former high-profile Tory Maxime Bernier, is running for the first time.

Who is running in Cloverdale?

Who is running in other Surrey ridings?

For all of our stories on the 2019 federal election, click here.

Check out our website and Facebook page for full coverage of the results once polls close.

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