As of Sept. 23, there were six candidates confirmed for the federal election in Chilliwack-Hope. Clockwise from top left, incumbent Conservative Mark Strahl, Liberal Kelly Velonis, NDP Heather McQuillan, Marxist-Leninist Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell, People’s Party Rob Bogunovic, and Green Party Arthur Green.

As of Sept. 23, there were six candidates confirmed for the federal election in Chilliwack-Hope. Clockwise from top left, incumbent Conservative Mark Strahl, Liberal Kelly Velonis, NDP Heather McQuillan, Marxist-Leninist Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell, People’s Party Rob Bogunovic, and Green Party Arthur Green.

VIDEO: Chilliwack-Hope all-candidates meeting tonight

Visit to watch a livestream of the Chamber of Commerce/BIA debate at 6 p.m.

All six federal election candidates for Chilliwack-Hope are invited to an all-candidates meeting Wednesday evening at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre.

The event is hosted by the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Business Improvement Association, with The Chilliwack Progress as media partner.

The event will be livestreamed on the Progress website starting at 6 p.m. on Sept. 25.

The six candidates for the Chilliwack-Hope electoral district include:

Mark Strahl – Conservative Party

Kelly Velonis – Liberal Party

Heather McQuillan – New Democratic Party

Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell – Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada

Robert Bogunovic – People’s Party of Canada

Arthur Green – Green Party

Other meetings:

• The first all-candidates was held on Sept. 24 and was hosted by Chilliwack Healthier Community.

• On Oct. 3 from 1 to 3 p.m., the Chilliwack Child & Youth Committee is hosting an event at the Neighbourhood Learning Centre at Chilliwack secondary school.

• On Oct. 9 in the evening it’s back to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre for an all-candidates meeting hosted by the Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society.

Visit for ongoing election news all day, every day leading up to the election on Oct. 21.

• READ MORE: Chilliwack-Hope election rundown

• RELATED: A brief look at the present and past of Chilliwack federal elections

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