AUXILIARY NOTES: Getting tech-savvy this summer

The group is getting connected thanks to a new web page, a Twitter handle and Facebook page.

The Peace Arch hospital auxiliary has just taken a major step forward in our ability to reach more people in our community.

We are proud to have a web page

The decision to get a web page has been part of the way that our communication with the community has evolved.

When we started in 1948, we had minutes that were hand written and that was the way that we reached our members.

We are now in the era of instant communication and most of our members and future members will go the Internet to find out about our activities.

Our new website was created by a local company NewGen Technologies Corporation. They have worked closely with us to develop a site that is user friendly.

The web page has information about the auxiliary and states out our mission, vision and values.

This is what we do and what we strive to do.

We have a section of events for people who want to know what events are being planned if they want to attend or would like to help with any of them.

These events are also on the side of the web page.

The Superfluity Shop is featured on our web page.

Directions to it, the hours of operation and what items it sells is highlighted

There is also a phone number on the web page if one needs to contact the shop.

Our gift shop, which is located in the hospital lobby, is also featured.

Many people do not know that our gift shop sells a wide variety of gift items and that our own “Flower Power” group stocks the cooler with fresh flower arrangements each week.

This shop also stocks some lovely hand-knitted items that are made by our auxiliary members.

We have a section of our web page which highlights some of our projects.

The auxiliary has been able to donate money towards some expensive equipment for the hospital.

There have also been two major projects, the new maternity ward renovation and the purchase of the MRI.

Our volunteer opportunities are now posted on our website. There are some projects for all ages and schedules for many types of volunteers.

Our Junior Auxiliary is also mentioned on our website.

To join the Junior Auxiliary one must be a student between the ages of 16 to 19 years of age.

Each year the auxiliary society awards two scholarships, each valued at $2,000 to two student volunteers.

This year we are happy to announce that our winners of these scholarships are Albert Chung and David Lui.

By having a new web page we hope to open the way for more people in our community to find out about us.

We are now on Facebook and Twitter (@PAHospitalauxil).

If you would like to volunteer and become a member of the auxiliary (no, is just not for ladies) contact our volunteer resources director Marie Rougeau at 604-535-4500 local 75704.

Felicity Matthews writes monthly on behalf of the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary.


Peace Arch News