AUXILIARY NOTES: Helping youth who give back

The Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society has awarded bursaries to young volunteers

Each year the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society awards two bursaries to registered Junior Auxiliary Volunteers at Peace Arch Hospital.

Bursaries are awarded to students based on a number of factors including (but not limited to) grades, hours volunteered, leadership abilities and personal attributes. Bursaries are awarded to students who wish to continue their studies in pursuit of a career in the medical field.

This year, we are very fortunate to have three bursary winners. These students have all donated many hours of volunteer service to the hospital and they are all continuing their education in the medical field.

Amnit Dhaliwal has been a volunteer at Peace Arch Hospital for three years. She started as a dining room host and became a team leader for the Ice Cream Sunday volunteers. Amnit will be continuing her education at Kwantlen Polytechnic University where she is taking her bachelor of science degree.

Her goal is to become an orthopedic surgeon.

Jaskamal Gill started her volunteer work at the hospital at the age of 14. She became a volunteer with the Ice Cream Sunday group and as a coffee and conversation volunteer.   Jaskamal will be attending McGill university in September and will be taking courses related to biological, biomedical and life sciences.

Nicole Janusz became a volunteer at the hospital when she did a co-op placement in the department of therapeutic recreation in November 2011. Nicole dreams of becoming a doctor specializing in neurology. She has been accepted to the University of B.C.’s science program  and to Simon Fraser University’s behavioural neurosciences program.

If you are a student aged 14 and older and would like to inquire about volunteering at Peace Arch Hospital, please visit or call Julie at 604-535-4500 ext. 757477.

Felicity Matthews writes monthly on behalf of Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society.

Peace Arch News