The good weather has been ordered and all that remains is to form the teams for the Campbell River Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Monday, Jan. 2 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Participation costs $5.
Twelve teams will be assigned each to an area that includes some oceanfront, some residential and some forest.
The teams then count the different species and how many individuals.
Each team combines expert and novice birders so that all enjoy the day’s count and contribute to this feat of citizen science.
The teams then compare notes at a wrap-up get-together, usually in a local pub or restaurant.
If you don’t trust the request for perfect weather and prefer to stay warm indoors, you can also contribute bird count data by taking part in the backyard feeder count on the same day.
This involves checking the feeder periodically during the day and recording the species and number of each species at different times.
You then report the greatest number of each species that you saw at one time.
Everyone can also be “on the alert” during the count week, Dec. 30 to Jan. 5.
Note any unusual sighting which might be missed on Jan. 2.
These are also reported.
The Christmas Bird Count takes place throughout Canada, the United States, the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands, between Dec. 14 and Jan. 5.
Results go to Bird Studies Canada which in turn contributes to the Audubon database and helps shape conservation strategies.
If you enjoy bird-watching and would you like to participate in this activity and to meet fellow bird-lovers, contact Luisa at 250-923-9918 or e-mail for more info or instructions.